13 Jul 5 Ways Computer Vision Transforming The Casino Industry
Blog by Tuhin Adak
With the advent of artificial intelligence and related fields, we have found various applications of these technologies in different industries. Artificial Intelligence algorithm has been implemented in casinos for various purposes.
Some of the main applications of computer vision involve use for security, for detecting malpractice, and judging possible outcomes among many others. Before we try to understand how computer vision is revolutionizing the casino industry, let us see what problems the industry is facing in light of the current situation.
Challenges in the Casino Industry
Unlike other entertainment industries, like cruise lines, restaurants, and movie theaters, the gambling industry consumers are unique in their ways. Gamblers are extremely unpredictable in terms of how much they contribute to a company. Data analysts can work out and predict the floor and ceiling of their real and potential spending in other industries.
Casinos and gaming work on a “Wild West” basis – many unknowns and uncertainties come to play. A player’s loss can range from a measly dollar to an unsettling million within a few minutes. Similarly, their winnings can range from a meager cent to tens of thousands – leaving the operators in quite a predicament. Analysts and strategists have to work on an infinite number of variables to come to a viable conclusion.
It is here that AI and machine learning comes to play, it makes a real difference to these readings, taking into account every possible situation. Let us look into the various applications of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence in Casinos.
Casino Security
Casinos spend a lot of time, money, and effort in maintaining tight security. Cameras use facial recognition and biometric identification to know more about each potential customer. Casinos use cameras in different angles and lightings to monitor not only their playing floor but also adjoining facilities like parking spots, restaurant space, and cash floors to ensure safety to players and operators.
Newer technology can detect dealer errors by monitoring video streams from standard video surveillance cameras. Further, they can also recognize the cards that are played, winning
hands, the rules of the game, and the payout. Machines tend to be good at some of these tasks, which even skilled staff may find challenging.
Online casinos also employ trackers and scouting software in their servers to repel unauthorized access, and to look into possible foul play. Cybersecurity is an important aspect of online casinos and it is taken very seriously.
Data Analysis
AI and computer vision algorithms can be used to make necessary analyses for increasing sales and promotions. Player analysis has been carried out for many years now – not only in online casinos but also in stationary establishments. In an attempt to present favorite games to everyone, machine learning algorithms works on databases. It attempts to understand why customers choose to play only a certain few games, switch their games, or stop playing.
Presenting newer and popular choices to customers is a surefire way to make profits and make the customers happy. The data collected and analyzed keeps a track of the current performance of the casinos, and how they can maximize profits in the future.
Improved Customer Support
Artificial intelligence has greatly changed the scope and landscape of customer service. With computer vision and machine learning algorithms, computers learn from new problems and their solutions. It can help out customers and answer their queries, without having to depend on manual support. Customers can get answers within a fraction of seconds, as compared to the past, where they would have to wait for some time to get hold of a staff member, who might not be well versed with every probable situation.
AI support bots have a very sophisticated manner of addressing customer concerns and can cater to their personal preferences. Mass collected data can be used to study and process customer’s habits and provide necessary information whenever required. Not only can AI bots provide fast customer-oriented solutions, but also analyze and resolve problems efficiently.
Detecting Gambling Addiction
Gambling can come off as a destructive addiction in many people. Triggered by political measures and lobby groups, the fight against gambling addiction has gained massive popularity in recent years. Though casinos make money from gambling, many are taking proactive steps to help people struggling with their addiction.
By analyzing player data, AI-driven software can help detect early signs of addiction by identifying problematic behavior and corresponding patterns. Casinos and the concerned authorities can then take the necessary steps to help gamblers with their unhealthy habits. The software can take steps like temporary bans or limits to their spendings and times spent for online casinos.
Protecting Integrity of Players and Operators
Data analysis and self-learning skills of machine learning can track people who use employ unfair means to score a win. Stationary casinos can use surveillance cameras and recorded videos to observe a player’s actions and movements, but that is not possible for online casinos.
Online gamblers can use probability calculation programs to ensure their superiority over the casino software. AI can detect anomalies and abnormal win patterns and block fraudsters from using their portal again. This would not only protect the casino operators, but also other potential clients, who might have suffered from heavy losses. This application is very much like the cat-and-mouse game of cybersecurity – protecting their databases from hackers. Additionally, steps are also taken to thwart unauthorized access and prevent third-party scripts from running on their games.
AI-driven Online Casinos are the New Rage
With the COVID 19 pandemic hitting every industry, online casinos found a great spot among gamblers. The amazing advent of artificial intelligence and computer vision opened innumerable possibilities in the virtual world of gambling. It is easily accessible to anyone who wishes to have the casino experience from the comfort of their home. AI can be used to analyze user patterns and track their statistics as they indulge in the world of online casinos.
As online gamblers enter virtual casinos, their dashboard and playing environment can be customized for better usability. The system recognizes personal favorites and makes them easily accessible. Online casinos offer way more comfort, accessibility, and familiarity with the interface than casino establishments.
AI has come a long way since its introduction, and it’s thanks to all the researchers and scientists working on the idea. It has influenced our lifestyle in several ways and continues to work wonders.